G S Rehill's Interactive Maths Software Series - "Building a Strong Foundation in Mathematics" from mathsteacher.com.au.

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Year 10 Interactive Maths - Second Edition

Problem Solving Unit

Problem 1.1  Containers

I went to the lake with two containers, a four-litre container and a nine-litre container.  How can I return with exactly six litres of water?  The containers do not have any scale marked on them.


9 litre container


4 litre container


Problem 1.2  Chess Board

Determine the number of squares in the following diagrams:

a single square

2 x 2 squares

3 x 3 squares

4 x 4 squares

By observing the pattern determine the number of squares on a chess board.

8 x 8 squares

Problem 1.3  Dimensions of the Picture

A rectangular picture's length and width dimensions are both equal to a whole number of centimetres, and its rectangular frame is 2 centimetres wide. If the area of the picture and the area of the frame are equal, find:

a.  l in terms of w
b.  the dimensions of the picture.

This question has more than one answer.  Explain.

a picture with dimensions l and w has a 2 cm frame surrounding it.

Problem 1.4  Percentage Increase

A rectangle has a length of 40 metres and a width of 30 metres.

a rectangle with length 40 m and width 30 m

a. What is 20% of 30?
b. What is 20% of 40?
c. If each side of the rectangle is increased by 20%, by what percentage will its area be increased?

Problem 1.5  Squares

Joining the midpoints of the sides of a square as shown in the following diagram forms a smaller square. If the side-length of the larger square is x metres, find a relationship between the areas of the larger and smaller squares.

Repeating the above process gives the pattern shown below.


If the third square in the pattern has a side-length of 12 cm, find the area of the eighth square without measuring it.


Problem 1.6  Algebraic Expressions

a.  Express the width of the shaded rectangle in terms of x and y.
b.  Express the area of the shaded rectangle in terms of x and y.
c.  If the area of the shaded rectangle is equal to 16 square metres, show that

d.  Find an expression for the area, A, of the square ABCD in terms of  y.
e.  If  y = 16, find the area of the square ABCD.

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